Ultra-minimal PHP, erm, framework... I originally starting writing this as an educational tool for junior developers to better understand how to use larger frameworks, but it turned out to be powerful enough that I'd actually build stuff with it.
Declarative creation of browser-native web components! Ponys is a small JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating custom elements: you can inline your templates server-side, create them dynamically, or import them as single-file components.
An HTML layout engine for mathematics, using only a single CSS file (< 20kB)... it's a lot smaller than MathJax! My aim with this project is to find a balance between the expressiveness of LaTeX and the semantic integrity of MathML that still feels like natural HTML.
Discover the world, one picture at a time. Uses the Wikimedia Commons API to serve images for a virtual coffee-table-top retro holiday snaps session; I've used viewport detection and asynchronous requests here in order to fetch the images at the optimal size, rendering them as photographs only once they are ready.
Despite never having been a user of iTunes, I recently experienced some nostalgia for the Cover Flow view, so I simulated it using CSS and JavaScript in the form of a browser-native web component. Webkit browsers get reflections!
What could be more elementary than Wolfram's elementary cellular automata? I wanted to find out, so I threw together a little canvas-based CA explorer, where each cell takes only the values of its neighbours north and north-east of it as input... currently works up to base 4, which allows for 4.3 billion rules.